Sunday, July 13, 2014

I Will Never Be Like The Other Girls...

I’m not sexy,
I’m not hot.
I will never be like the other girls.
Tanned legs,
Skinny waists.
I will never be like the other girls.
Boys crave them,
Girls want to be like them.
I will never be like the other girls.

I started this poem a few months ago. I was feeling down on myself after leaving a party one weekend. I had left the party early because I felt uncomfortable in my own skin. The other girls at the party were perfect. Tan. Skinny. Perfect. I longed to be like them. I longed to receive the attention they received. I didn't feel beautiful around them, and therefore, I couldn't be seen with them. It wasn't until recently that I realized how completely wrong I was. I do not need to be tan and a size 0 to be confident. I don’t need to be sexy or hot, because I am beautiful. Not being tan doesn't make me any less than the other girls around me. My light skin and size 5 are what make me, who I am…ME! I learned to see the things that make me who I am. The things that make ME beautiful. My rich brown eyes. My ever so happy smile. And not just physical attributes. My ability to laugh at everything. My ability to make friends with everyone and everything. I was too focused on trying to be like the other girls that I lost sight of who I am and the things that make me who I am.

I will never be like the other girls…because I am me.

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