Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Cheering You On or Playing Defense

Get positive influences around you. Tell them your goals and make them your cheerleaders.

I sent that quote to a friend of mine earlier this afternoon and he responded, "You tell me and let's make it your reality. Let's do it together!". People like him are the kind of people we need to associate ourselves with in order to succeed and meet our goals. We will not find success if we can't find people who will help us reach success. You can't do it alone, and people bringing you down isn't going to make success any easier. Associate yourself with people who will lift you up instead of hold you down. Life may be the longest thing we'll ever know, but by the time you hit age 55, it'll feel like just yesterday you were 18 and learning how to survive on your own. Now is the time to figure out who you want to be and where you're going to go, and you can't do that unless you have positive influences in your life. 

Stop for a minute and think. Are the people influencing you positive or negative? Who's side are they on? Are they going to be your cheerleaders or playing defense??

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I seem to keep stumbling on to your blog, and every time I feel the need to comment. I want to say that positive influence is everywhere, in all opportunity, wether it may seem wrong or not. You live once and you should do all the things that appear before you, cause you may never experience them again, and positive will always come from instinctive actions!!
