Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Dancing In The Rain


"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain."
Vivian Greene

I love rain. It is absolutely beautiful and refreshing. Dancing in the rain can turn any bad day into something wonderful and worthwhile. I don't know what it is about the rain that makes me feel so wonderful. Maybe its the sense of being cleansed and all the bad washing away. All my mistakes and worries are washed away like the dirt that once covered the sidewalk. Or maybe it's the sound of the rain hitting the puddles forming along the street. The sound seems to mask the other noises and distractions of the outside world and puts my mind at ease. Only the sound of the rain hitting the ground and my own thoughts are left. Some of my deepest and most powerful thoughts come from sitting by myself in the pouring rain. 

I began to figure out who I am and where I'm going in life while sitting in the rain. I realized how beautiful life is and how it was worth it to keep pushing on while I watched little birds hop around in forming puddles. I realized how amazing my best friend truly is as we swung around on monkey bars and jumped in rain puddles. The little things are what make the bigger picture. Something as simple and unappreciated as rain has brought so much peace and inner joy within in my life.

So next time it rains, don't complain. Don't whine about the lack of sunshine. Instead, kick your shoes off and go outside. Jump in the puddles. Twirl around in circles and throw your arms out. Stop for a second and feel the rain hit your face. Dance like no one is watching. Do whatever your heart desires, but take a moment to appreciate the rain around you. Who knows, it might just change your life...