Friday, February 7, 2014

Wasting All These Tears

That should be me. Every fucking time I see you, I ask myself the same question. Where did I go wrong? Everyone tells me it was for the best, but I can’t help but wonder. Was there anything I could have done? They tell me you’re not worth it, but there was always something about you. Your eyes, I was always getting lost in them. And that smile. Damn that contagious smile. No matter how upset I was, I couldn't help but at least grin a little when I saw you smile. And the worst part? I still get lost in your eyes and I still grin when I see you smile. Every fucking time. But I can't let you see that. Ever.

Why do I let you do this to me? Why can't I tell myself and you no? Every time I try to move on, you bring me in again. Why won't you just let me go? You had me at one point, and now you're losing me. You used to bring me such happiness and joy, and now I find myself crying over you and what could've been. And you know this happens. Yet you continue to give me a sense of false hope. WHY? Do you enjoy hurting me? This is all some sort of game to you. You know I'll come back to you. You know you've got me trapped, and you're the only one with the key...

There's this new boy...and I really like him. But I can't give him the attention and feelings he deserves, because you won't let me let go of you. He's the funniest, sweetest, cutest, and most fun guy to be around...and he deserves the best. But I can't offer him that and I'm going to lose him. Please, I'm begging you. Stop this. Either you want me, or you don't. Make up your mind. Stop playing me. Stop stringing me along. Before too long, I'll come to my senses and you won't be a part of my life at all. I'm sick of wasting all my tears on someone who can only bring me temporary happiness...

Guys. If you like a girl, tell her. If you don't like her, don't act like you do. Simple as that. And girls, don't let his charm fool you. He's not worth it, and once he gets ahold of you, there is no getting away. You're trapped.

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